Wednesday, October 31, 2012

i shouldn't

tell this day and this moment i always worked hard to leave a good impact in this world. i always wanted people to remember me and smile, to leave something great that would hold my name.
i think of this and it hit me .. what i was thinking about all this time.

the best impact you can leave is not to leave anything

if you can die without harming\changing or destroying anything then you already leaved something. Human is the stupidest race you can deal with in this world. They destroy anything they clam to care about including themselves. therefore, at this moment am very convinced that when i die i have to somehow leave nothing after me ..
no books, paints, gadgets, blogs .. and feelings

i don't want people to remember me .. i want somehow to clear their memories and for me not to exists.

if i can leave and take with me all the destruction and harm i caused for people and earth during  these years then i happily made my impact.

no one would notice, no one would care
i would leave peacefully purely .. just how i came ..